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Name Identifier Description
Afghanistan afg

🇦🇫 Afghanistan (Islamic Republic of Afghanistan) - As of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021, Afghanistan faced significant challenges in its digital health situation. Limited access to healthcare services, especially in rural areas, coupled with ongoing conflicts, hindered the development and implementation of robust digital health systems. However, efforts were being made to improve healthcare delivery through technology, such as telemedicine initiatives and electronic health records. The country's digital health infrastructure was gradually evolving, but it still had a long way to go in terms of widespread adoption and integration of digital solutions....

Albania alb

🇦🇱 Alb - Albania - Population: 2,845,955 (2011 census).

Albania has made significant progress in the field of digital health. The country has been actively implementing electronic health records (EHRs) and promoting the use of telemedicine services to improve access to healthcare, especially in rural areas. The government has also focused on developing health information systems and interoperability standards to enhance data sharing and analysis. Additionally, Albania has been working on initiatives to strengthen cybersecurity in healthcare and protect patients' sensitive information. These efforts aim to enhance the efficiency and quality of healthcare services across the country....

Algeria dza

🇩🇿 Algeria - الجزائر - Algeria - Population: XX,XXX,XXX (Census date: DD/MM/YYYY)

Algeria, officially known as the People's Democratic Republic of Algeria, is located in North Africa. The country has been making progress in the field of digital health, with initiatives aimed at improving healthcare delivery and access through technology. Algeria has been focusing on developing electronic health records, telemedicine services, and health information systems to enhance healthcare efficiency and patient care. The government has also been working on implementing e-health solutions to facilitate the exchange of medical information and improve healthcare management. These efforts aim to address challenges in healthcare delivery, especially in remote areas, and enhance the overall healthcare system in Algeria....

American Samoa asm

🇦🇸 American Samoa - Territory of the United States - Population: N/A (No recent census data available)

American Samoa is a U.S. territory located in the South Pacific Ocean. As of my last knowledge update in September 2021, American Samoa faced challenges in its digital health infrastructure due to its remote location and limited resources. However, efforts were being made to improve healthcare services through technology, including telemedicine initiatives and the implementation of electronic health records. Access to healthcare services in the remote islands was a concern, and the government was working on expanding healthcare facilities and improving healthcare delivery. Please note that the situation may have evolved since my last knowledge update....

Andorra and

🇦🇩 Andorra - Andorra, - Population: Unknown (Census Date: Unknown)
Andorra is a small country located in the Pyrenees mountains between Spain and France. In terms of digital health, Andorra has made significant progress in recent years. The country has implemented electronic health records (EHRs) and has a well-developed telemedicine system, which allows patients to consult with healthcare professionals remotely. The government has also focused on improving health data interoperability and privacy regulations to ensure the secure exchange of medical information. Overall, Andorra has embraced digital health technologies to enhance healthcare delivery and improve patient outcomes....

Angola ago

🇦🇴 Angola, officially known as the Republic of Angola, is a country located in Southern Africa. It has a population of approximately 33.9 million people as of 2014. Angola has made some efforts in digital health, aiming to improve healthcare services and access through technology. Various initiatives have been implemented, including the use of electronic health records, telemedicine services, and mobile health applications. However, challenges such as limited internet access and infrastructure remain, hindering the widespread adoption of digital health solutions in the country....

Anguilla aia

🇦🇮 Anguilla (Anguilla, - Population: N/A) - The digital health situation in Anguilla is not available in my knowledge base. For the latest information, please refer to official sources.

Ministry of Health website: Ministry of Health - Anguilla...

Antigua and Barbuda atg

🇦🇬 Antigua and Barbuda - Antigua and Barbuda - 97,929 (2011 census). The digital health situation in Antigua and Barbuda is steadily advancing, with efforts focused on improving healthcare services through the use of technology. The country has been working towards implementing electronic health records (EHRs) to enhance patient care and facilitate better data management. Telemedicine initiatives have also been introduced to increase access to healthcare, especially in remote areas. Antigua and Barbuda's Ministry of Health is responsible for overseeing healthcare policies and initiatives in the country....

Argentina arg

🇦🇷 Argentina, officially known as the Argentine Republic, is a country located in South America. With a population of approximately 45 million people as of 2021, Argentina has made significant advancements in the field of digital health. The country has been implementing various digital health initiatives to improve healthcare access and delivery, including the development of electronic health records, telemedicine services, and health information systems. These initiatives aim to enhance patient care, facilitate data sharing among healthcare providers, and promote efficient healthcare management. Argentina has been actively working towards integrating technology into its healthcare system to improve overall healthcare outcomes and accessibility....

Armenia arm

🇦🇲 Հայաստան (Armenia) - Armenia is a country located in the South Caucasus region of Eurasia. It has a population of approximately 2.9 million people as of September 2021. The digital health situation in Armenia is gradually evolving, with the government and healthcare sector focusing on incorporating technology to improve healthcare delivery and access. Efforts have been made to implement electronic health records, telemedicine services, and digital platforms for health information exchange. However, the implementation of digital health solutions is still in its early stages, and further developments are expected to enhance the digital health landscape in the country....

Aruba abw

🇦🇼 Aruba, officially known as "Aruba" in English, has a population of approximately 106,766 as of my knowledge cutoff date. Unfortunately, I don't have the specific census date. In terms of the digital health situation, Aruba has been making efforts to improve healthcare through technology. The country has implemented electronic medical records and telemedicine services to improve access to healthcare, especially in remote areas. Aruba has also been focusing on health information exchange systems and digital platforms for health education and awareness. These initiatives aim to enhance the overall efficiency and quality of healthcare services in the country....

Australia aus

🇦🇺 Australia (Commonwealth of Australia) - The digital health situation in Australia is well-developed and continuously evolving. The country has made significant investments in digital health infrastructure, including the implementation of electronic health records and telehealth services. Australia has a national digital health strategy aimed at improving healthcare delivery through technology and data sharing. The My Health Record system allows individuals to access and manage their health information online, while telehealth services have gained prominence, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. Australia also emphasizes health data privacy and security, with regulations in place to protect patient information....

Austria aut

🇦🇹 Österreich (Austria) - Austria is a country located in Central Europe. As of September 2021, the population of Austria was approximately 9 million people. The country has made significant progress in digital health, with the implementation of electronic health records, telemedicine services, and digital health platforms. Austria has also embraced health information exchange systems to facilitate the secure sharing of patient data among healthcare providers. The country's healthcare system focuses on providing high-quality care and ensuring accessibility for all citizens....

Azerbaijan aze

🇦🇿 Azerbaijan, Azərbaycan - Population: [population] (Census: [census date]).

Overview of the digital health situation in Azerbaijan: [overview].

Ministry of Health website: [Ministry of Health URL].

Government website: [Government URL].

Other country links:...

Bahamas bhs

🇧🇸 Bahamas - The Commonwealth of The Bahamas is a country located in the Atlantic Ocean, consisting of more than 700 islands and cays. With a population of approximately 393,000 people as of 2021, the Bahamas has been actively working towards improving digital health services. The government has implemented initiatives to enhance healthcare delivery through the use of technology, such as electronic health records, telemedicine, and health information exchange systems....

Bahrain bhr

🇧🇭 BHR - Bahrain - Bahrain - Population: N/A (census date unavailable)

Bahrain, officially known as the Kingdom of Bahrain, is a small island country located in the Persian Gulf. As of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021, Bahrain has been making significant strides in the field of digital health. The country has been investing in various initiatives to enhance healthcare services through the use of technology. Bahrain has implemented electronic health records (EHR) systems to improve the efficiency and accessibility of medical data. Additionally, telemedicine services have been introduced to provide remote healthcare consultations, especially in rural areas. The government has also encouraged the development of mobile health applications, enabling individuals to access healthcare information and services conveniently. These digital health advancements aim to improve healthcare outcomes and enhance the overall patient experience in Bahrain....

Bangladesh bgd

🇧🇩 Bangladesh - People's Republic of Bangladesh - As of my knowledge cutoff date, the digital health situation in Bangladesh has been gradually improving. The country has been making efforts to leverage technology to enhance healthcare services and improve accessibility. Bangladesh has implemented various e-health initiatives, including the establishment of digital health infrastructures, telemedicine services, and mobile health programs. These initiatives aim to bridge the healthcare gap, especially in rural areas, and provide better healthcare services to the population. Please note that this information might have changed since September 2021....

Barbados brb

🇧🇷 Brazil - República Federativa do Brasil - Population: 211,755,692 (2021 Census).

Brazil has made significant strides in advancing digital health initiatives. The country has implemented various electronic health records systems, telemedicine programs, and health data interoperability projects. The government has been working on expanding access to healthcare services through digital platforms, especially in remote areas. Brazil has also emphasized the use of technology for disease surveillance and monitoring, including the integration of data from different sources. The country faces challenges related to the digital divide, as not all regions have equal access to digital healthcare services. Efforts are being made to bridge this gap and ensure equitable access to digital health resources....

Belarus blr

🇧🇾 BLR - Belarus, also known as the Republic of Belarus, is a country located in Eastern Europe. As of my last knowledge update, there were no specific details available regarding the digital health situation in Belarus. For the most up-to-date information, I recommend referring to the official sources provided below....

Belgium bel

🇧🇪 Belgium - Kingdom of Belgium - Population: 11,589,623 (as of 01/01/2021)

Belgium is a country located in Western Europe. It has made significant progress in digital health initiatives, focusing on improving healthcare delivery and patient outcomes through the use of technology. The country has implemented electronic health records (EHRs) to centralize patient information, enhance care coordination, and facilitate data exchange between healthcare providers. Telemedicine services have also been expanded, allowing patients to access healthcare remotely, particularly in rural areas. Belgium has been actively promoting the adoption of digital health solutions and has a well-developed infrastructure to support these initiatives....

Belize blz

🇧🇿 Belize - Belize, formerly known as British Honduras, is a country located on the northeastern coast of Central America. As of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021, the digital health situation in Belize was gradually developing. Efforts were being made to improve healthcare delivery through the use of digital technologies, such as electronic health records, telemedicine, and health information systems. The government recognized the potential of digital health in enhancing healthcare access and quality, particularly in rural areas. However, specific details on the current state of digital health in Belize may require up-to-date information....

Benin ben

🇧🇯 Benin - République du Bénin - Benin - Population: 11,801,151 (July 2021 est.) - Benin is making efforts to improve its digital health situation. The country has been implementing various e-health initiatives to enhance healthcare delivery and access. This includes the development of electronic medical records systems, telemedicine services, and the use of mobile technology for health information dissemination. Benin also collaborates with international organizations and partners to strengthen its digital health infrastructure and capacity. However, challenges such as limited internet penetration and infrastructure, as well as the need for further investment, still exist....

Bermuda bmu

🇧🇲 Bermuda is a British Overseas Territory located in the North Atlantic Ocean. With a population of approximately 62,506 as of the last available census data, Bermuda has made significant progress in its digital health initiatives. The country has been actively investing in the development and implementation of electronic health records (EHRs), telemedicine services, and other digital health solutions to improve healthcare delivery and patient outcomes. These efforts aim to enhance access to healthcare services, facilitate remote consultations, and streamline medical information sharing among healthcare providers. The Ministry of Health's website provides further information on healthcare services and initiatives in Bermuda....

Bhutan btn

🇧🇹 Bhutan, also known as the Kingdom of Bhutan, is a country located in South Asia. As of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021, the digital health situation in Bhutan was gradually developing. The country has been making efforts to leverage technology to improve healthcare delivery and access. Initiatives such as telemedicine and electronic health records have been implemented to enhance healthcare services, particularly in rural areas. However, specific details regarding the current state of digital health in Bhutan beyond September 2021 are unavailable....

Bolivia bol

🇧🇴 BO, Plurinational State of Bolivia - Bolivia is a landlocked country located in South America. With a population of approximately 11 million, as of 2021, Bolivia faces various challenges in its digital health landscape. While efforts have been made to improve healthcare services through technology, there are still disparities in access to digital health tools, particularly in rural areas. The country has been working towards implementing electronic health records and telemedicine services to improve healthcare delivery. However, limited infrastructure and resources pose obstacles to widespread adoption. Additionally, health information systems and data interoperability remain areas of focus for enhancing digital health capabilities in Bolivia....

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