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# Digital Health Strategy - Active 

 ## Zambian Ministry of Health Preliminary Digital Health Strategy 2022-26 Summary 

 The Zambian Ministry of Health (MoH) has developed a Preliminary Digital Health Strategy 2022-26, which outlines the country's vision for using digital technologies to improve healthcare delivery. The strategy is based on the following four pillars: 

 * **Connected care:** To provide seamless and integrated care across all levels of the healthcare system, from primary care to tertiary care. 
 * **Empowered patients:** To give patients access to their health information and resources, and to enable them to play an active role in their own care. 
 * **Intelligent healthcare:** To use data and analytics to improve decision-making and service delivery. 
 * **Innovation ecosystem:** To foster an environment that supports the development and adoption of new digital health solutions. 

 The strategy identifies a number of key priorities for the next four years, including: 

 * Expanding access to digital health services, particularly in rural and underserved areas. 
 * Developing and implementing eHealth standards and guidelines. 
 * Strengthening the capacity of the healthcare workforce to use digital technologies. 
 * Promoting the development and adoption of innovative digital health solutions. 

 The strategy also emphasizes the importance of collaboration between the government, the private sector, and civil society in order to achieve its goals. 
