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Name Identifier Description
Montenegro mne

🇲🇪 Montenegro, Crna Gora - Montenegro, has a population of approximately 620,029 people as of the last available census. The country has been making progress in its digital health initiatives. Montenegro has been investing in the development and implementation of electronic health records (EHRs) to improve healthcare services and patient care. These EHR systems aim to enhance data collection, management, and sharing among healthcare providers. The country has also been working on telemedicine services to increase access to healthcare, particularly in remote areas. Overall, Montenegro is actively embracing digital health technologies to enhance its healthcare system....

Montserrat msr

🇲🇸 Montserrat, also known as "Montserrat - British Overseas Territory," has a population of approximately 4,922 as per the latest available census data. Located in the Caribbean, Montserrat faces various challenges in the digital health sector due to its small population and limited resources. However, efforts have been made to improve healthcare services through the use of technology, including telemedicine initiatives and the digitization of medical records. Access to healthcare services and information may be facilitated through online platforms and mobile applications. For more information about the digital health situation in Montserrat, please visit the Ministry of Health website....

Morocco mar

🇲🇦 المغرب (Morocco) - Morocco, officially known as the Kingdom of Morocco, is a country located in North Africa. As of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021, Morocco had a population of approximately 36 million people, based on the 2014 census. Regarding the digital health situation, Morocco has been making efforts to enhance healthcare services through the use of technology. The country has implemented various e-health initiatives, including electronic medical records, telemedicine services, and digital health platforms aimed at improving access to healthcare and facilitating remote consultations. However, for more up-to-date and detailed information, please refer to the Ministry of Health's website....

Mozambique moz

🇲🇿 Mozambique - República de Moçambique - Mozambique - Population: N/A (census date unavailable).

Mozambique has been making efforts to improve its digital health situation. The country has been implementing various initiatives to enhance healthcare delivery through technology, including the use of telemedicine, electronic health records, and mobile health applications. These advancements aim to improve access to healthcare services, especially in rural and remote areas. However, challenges such as limited internet connectivity, infrastructure, and resources still exist, hindering the widespread adoption of digital health solutions....

Myanmar mmr

🇲🇲 Myanmar (Burma) - The Union of Myanmar, with a population of approximately 54 million as of 2014, is a Southeast Asian country known for its rich cultural heritage and historical landmarks. The digital health situation in Myanmar has been gradually improving, with increased adoption of technology in healthcare systems. Efforts have been made to enhance telemedicine services, electronic health records, and mobile health applications to improve access to healthcare services, particularly in remote areas. However, challenges such as limited internet connectivity and infrastructure development still exist....

Namibia nam

🇳🇦 Namibia - Namibië - Namibia - 2,540,905 (2021 Census) - Namibia has made significant progress in developing its digital health sector. The country has implemented various eHealth initiatives to improve healthcare delivery, including the establishment of electronic medical record systems, telemedicine services, and mobile health applications. Namibia has also focused on strengthening health information systems and interoperability to enhance data collection and analysis for better decision-making. The government has actively promoted the use of digital technologies in healthcare, aiming to increase access to quality medical services, especially in remote areas. However, challenges such as limited internet connectivity in some regions and ensuring data privacy and security remain areas of concern....

Nauru nru

🇳🇷 Nauru, also known as Republic of Nauru, is a small island country in Micronesia. As of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021, Nauru had a population of approximately 10,900 people (census date unknown). In terms of digital health, Nauru has been working towards improving healthcare services through the use of technology. Efforts have been made to implement electronic health records, telemedicine, and health information systems to enhance healthcare delivery and access to medical information in the country....

Nepal npl

🇳🇵 Nepal, officially known as the Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal, is a landlocked country in South Asia. With a population of around 30 million as of the last census conducted, Nepal has been making progress in its digital health initiatives. The country has been leveraging technology to improve healthcare delivery, increase access to medical services, and enhance health information systems. Efforts have been made to digitize health records, establish telemedicine services, and implement e-health programs. These endeavors aim to overcome geographical barriers and provide quality healthcare to remote and underserved areas of Nepal....

Netherlands nld

🇳🇱 Netherlands (Koninkrijk der Nederlanden) - The Netherlands, - Population: 17,584,036 (2021 census). The digital health situation in the Netherlands is advanced, with a well-developed healthcare system supported by digital technologies. Electronic health records are widely used, allowing healthcare professionals to access patient information efficiently. Telemedicine and e-health solutions have gained popularity, providing remote consultations and digital healthcare services. The Dutch government has implemented initiatives to promote interoperability and secure data exchange among healthcare providers. Patient privacy and data protection are prioritized through strict regulations. The Netherlands continues to invest in digital health infrastructure and innovation to enhance healthcare delivery....

New Caledonia ncl

🇳🇨 New Caledonia - Nouvelle-Calédonie - 298,000 (2021 Census)

New Caledonia, officially known as Nouvelle-Calédonie in French, is a French special collectivity located in the southwest Pacific Ocean. As of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021, the digital health situation in New Caledonia was gradually evolving. Efforts were being made to enhance healthcare services through the integration of digital technologies. The government aimed to improve access to medical records, telemedicine, and e-health services to better serve the population. It is essential to refer to the latest sources for up-to-date information....

New Zealand nzl

🇳🇿 New Zealand (Aotearoa) - New Zealand - Population: [current population] (Census date: [census date]). The digital health situation in New Zealand is characterized by a comprehensive national health IT infrastructure that supports the delivery of healthcare services. The country has made significant investments in eHealth initiatives, including electronic health records, telehealth services, and digital health platforms. These technologies enable improved coordination of care, remote consultations, and better access to health information for both healthcare providers and patients. New Zealand has also emphasized data privacy and security measures to protect health information. The Ministry of Health in New Zealand plays a crucial role in overseeing and implementing digital health strategies and initiatives....

Nicaragua nic

🇳🇮 Nicaragua, República de Nicaragua - As of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021, the digital health situation in Nicaragua is characterized by ongoing efforts to improve healthcare services through the use of technology. The country has been working on initiatives such as telemedicine and electronic medical records to enhance access to healthcare, particularly in rural areas. The implementation of digital health solutions aims to strengthen healthcare delivery, promote efficiency, and improve health outcomes for the population of Nicaragua....

Niger ner

🇳🇪 Niger - République du Niger - The Republic of Niger - Population: N/A - Digital Health Overview: As of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021, the digital health situation in Niger was still developing. The country faced challenges in terms of limited access to healthcare services, particularly in rural areas. However, efforts were being made to leverage technology to improve healthcare delivery, such as the use of telemedicine and mobile health initiatives. The implementation of electronic health records and health information systems was also underway to enhance data management and improve overall healthcare quality....

Nigeria nga

🇳🇬 Nigeria - The Federal Republic of Nigeria, also known as Nijeriya or Naijiria in the native language, is a country located in West Africa. As of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021, Nigeria had a population of over 211 million people according to the 2006 census. The digital health situation in Nigeria is characterized by ongoing efforts to improve healthcare services through the use of technology. The government has implemented initiatives such as the National Health Information System (NHIS) and the eHealth Nigeria program to enhance data management, health information exchange, and telemedicine services across the country....

Niue niu

🇳🇺 Niue - Niue, commonly referred to as the "Rock of Polynesia," is a small island nation located in the South Pacific Ocean. With a population of approximately 1,600 people, Niue faces unique challenges in the realm of digital health due to its remote location and limited resources. The country has been making efforts to improve its healthcare system through the implementation of telemedicine and electronic health records. These initiatives aim to enhance access to healthcare services and enable better coordination among healthcare providers. However, due to the country's small population, the availability of advanced digital health technologies may be limited. ...

Norfolk Island nfk

🇳🇫 Nauru (Naoero) - Nauru, previously known as Pleasant Island, is a small island country located in Micronesia in the Central Pacific. As of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021, Nauru faced challenges in its digital health infrastructure due to its remote location and limited resources. The country has been working towards improving its healthcare system and incorporating digital technologies to enhance healthcare delivery and access. However, specific details about the current digital health situation in Nauru are not available....

Northern Africa northern-africa

This region includes countries in the northern part of the continent, such as Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, and Sudan

Northern Mariana Islands mnp

🇲🇵 Northern Mariana Islands (commonly known as the CNMI) - The Northern Mariana Islands, with a population of approximately 57,216 as of the 2020 census, is a self-governing territory of the United States located in the western Pacific Ocean. Its digital health situation is shaped by its affiliation with the U.S. healthcare system. The islands have made efforts to enhance healthcare services through the use of technology, including telemedicine and electronic health records. However, specific details on the digital health landscape in the Northern Mariana Islands are limited....

Norway nor

🇳🇴 Norway, Norge - Population: 5,432,580 (as of 2021 census).

Norway has made significant progress in digital health initiatives. The country has a well-established electronic health record system, allowing healthcare providers to access patient information securely. Telemedicine services have been implemented to improve access to healthcare, especially in remote areas. Norway also focuses on e-prescriptions, enabling digital prescriptions to be sent directly to pharmacies. The government promotes health technology innovation and supports research and development in digital health solutions....

Oman omn

🇴🇲 Oman - Sultanate of Oman - Population: N/A (census date: N/A)

The digital health situation in Oman has been steadily progressing over the years. The country has made significant investments in healthcare technology and infrastructure, aiming to enhance healthcare services and improve patient outcomes. Oman has implemented various digital health initiatives, including the adoption of electronic health records (EHRs), telemedicine services, and mobile health applications. These efforts aim to facilitate remote consultations, improve access to healthcare in remote areas, and enhance the overall efficiency of the healthcare system. Oman is committed to leveraging technology to support healthcare delivery and promote better health outcomes for its population....

Pakistan pak

🇵🇰 Pakistan - Islamic Republic of Pakistan - Population: 233,500,636 (as of 2021) - Pakistan has been making strides in the development and implementation of digital health initiatives. The country has been focusing on improving healthcare accessibility, especially in rural areas, through telemedicine and mobile health solutions. Efforts have been made to digitize medical records and enhance healthcare delivery through the use of technology. Pakistan has also been exploring the potential of artificial intelligence and data analytics in healthcare. While challenges remain, the country is actively working towards leveraging digital solutions to improve healthcare outcomes....

Palau plw

🇵🇼 Palau (Belau) - Population: N/A

Palau is a country located in the western Pacific Ocean. As of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021, the digital health situation in Palau was not extensively documented. However, like many other countries, Palau has been adopting digital technologies to enhance healthcare delivery and improve access to medical services. Efforts have been made to implement electronic health records, telemedicine, and mobile health applications to support healthcare providers and improve patient care....

Palestinian Territory, Occupied pse

🇵🇸 فلسطين (Palestine) - Palestine, officially known as the State of Palestine, is located in the Middle East. As of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021, Palestine faced various challenges in its digital health situation. Efforts were being made to improve healthcare services through the implementation of digital technologies. Telemedicine and electronic health records were being utilized to enhance access to healthcare, especially in remote areas. However, the overall digital health infrastructure was still developing, and there were ongoing efforts to strengthen healthcare systems and expand digital health initiatives....

Panama pan

🇵🇦 Panama, officially known as the Republic of Panama, is a country located in Central America. As of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021, the digital health situation in Panama had been steadily progressing. The country had been investing in digital health infrastructure and implementing various initiatives to improve healthcare delivery through technology. Electronic health records (EHRs) were being adopted, allowing for better patient management and information sharing among healthcare providers. Telemedicine and mobile health applications were also gaining popularity, enabling remote consultations and healthcare services. The government had been working towards the development of a comprehensive eHealth strategy to further enhance healthcare delivery in the country....

Papua New Guinea png

🇵🇬 Papua New Guinea - Independent State of Papua New Guinea - 9,119,010 (as of 2020 census).

Papua New Guinea is a country located in the southwestern Pacific Ocean. It is known for its diverse culture and natural beauty, including rainforests, beaches, and coral reefs. In terms of digital health, Papua New Guinea faces several challenges due to its rugged terrain, limited infrastructure, and remote communities. Access to healthcare services, including telemedicine and electronic health records, is limited in many areas. Efforts are being made to improve digital health infrastructure and expand access to telehealth services, but progress is gradual. ...

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