



Project information

🇧🇦 Bosnia and Herzegovina - Bosnia and Herzegovina, abbreviated as BiH, is a country located in Southeastern Europe. With a population of approximately 3.3 million people as of [census date], Bosnia and Herzegovina faces various challenges in its digital health landscape. Efforts have been made to improve healthcare services through the adoption of digital technologies, including electronic health records and telemedicine. However, there are still gaps in infrastructure, interoperability, and access to quality healthcare services, particularly in rural areas. Further developments are crucial to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of healthcare delivery in the country.

Ministry of Health website: [LINK]

Government website: [LINK]

For more information on Bosnia and Herzegovina's healthcare situation, you can visit the following websites:

  • World Health Organization (WHO): [LINK]
  • United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF): [LINK]
  • World Bank: [LINK]
  • Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD): [LINK]