



Project information

🇪🇨 Ecuador, officially known as the Republic of Ecuador, has a population of approximately 17,643,054 as of the last available census. The digital health situation in Ecuador involves the utilization of technology to improve healthcare services and access. Efforts have been made to implement electronic health records, telemedicine, and mobile health applications to enhance healthcare delivery, especially in rural and remote areas. The government has also been working on strengthening health information systems and promoting the use of digital tools for disease surveillance and monitoring. However, specific details and recent developments may be found on the Ministry of Health website.

Ministry of Health website: Link

The main government website of Ecuador provides comprehensive information about various aspects of the country, including healthcare. You can access it through the following link: Link

For additional information on Ecuador's healthcare system and related statistics, you may find the following links useful:

  • World Health Organization (WHO): Link
  • UNICEF Ecuador: Link
  • World Bank Ecuador: Link
  • Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Ecuador: Link