



Project information

🇬🇳 Guinea-Bissau - The Republic of Guinea-Bissau, also known as Guinea-Bissau, is a country located in West Africa. As of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021, Guinea-Bissau had a population of approximately 1.9 million people, based on the World Bank's data from 2020. Unfortunately, I do not have the specific census date.

Overview of the digital health situation in Guinea-Bissau: The digital health landscape in Guinea-Bissau is still developing. The country faces challenges in terms of healthcare infrastructure, access to technology, and limited resources. Efforts are being made to leverage technology to improve healthcare services, such as implementing electronic medical records and telemedicine initiatives. However, there is a need for further investment and capacity building to fully harness the potential of digital health in Guinea-Bissau.

Ministry of Health website: Guinea-Bissau Ministry of Health

Government website: Official Government of Guinea-Bissau

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