



Project information

🇱🇷 Liberia, Republic of - Population: 5,057,681 (Census: 2008)

The digital health situation in Liberia has been gradually improving in recent years. Efforts have been made to leverage technology to enhance healthcare delivery and access to medical services. Various initiatives have been implemented, including the use of telemedicine, electronic health records (EHRs), and mobile health (mHealth) applications to improve healthcare provision, data management, and health information systems. These digital solutions aim to overcome geographical barriers, improve communication between healthcare providers and patients, and increase the efficiency and accuracy of medical data. However, challenges such as limited internet connectivity, infrastructure gaps, and a lack of digital literacy among healthcare professionals and the population pose obstacles to the widespread adoption of digital health technologies in the country.

Ministry of Health website: Ministry of Health, Liberia

Government website: Government of Liberia

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