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🇵🇭 Philippines (Filipino: Pilipinas), officially known as the Republic of the Philippines, is a country located in Southeast Asia. As of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021, the Philippines had a population of approximately 111 million people as per the 2020 census.

The digital health situation in the Philippines has been steadily evolving. The government has been implementing various initiatives to leverage technology in healthcare delivery and improve access to quality healthcare services. Telemedicine and mobile health applications have gained popularity, especially in remote areas, enabling individuals to receive medical advice and consultations remotely. Efforts have been made to enhance electronic health records systems and establish interoperability between different healthcare providers. Additionally, the Philippines has been investing in digital health infrastructure to strengthen healthcare information systems and promote data-driven decision-making.

Ministry of Health website: Department of Health - Philippines

Government website: Official Gazette - Republic of the Philippines

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