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đŸ‡·đŸ‡ª RĂ©union (French: La RĂ©union) - RĂ©union Island, - Population: N/A (as of my knowledge cutoff date)

RĂ©union is a French overseas department and region located in the Indian Ocean. As part of France, it benefits from the country's advanced digital health infrastructure. The healthcare system in RĂ©union is well-developed, with a focus on providing quality medical services to its residents. Digital health technologies, such as electronic medical records and telemedicine, are increasingly being utilized to improve healthcare delivery and access. These advancements contribute to more efficient healthcare management and facilitate remote consultations for patients in remote areas. The use of digital tools also aids in data collection and analysis for health monitoring and research purposes.

Ministry of Health website: RĂ©union Ministry of Health

Government website: RĂ©union Government

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