



Project information

πŸ‡ΈπŸ‡³ SEN - Senegal is a country located in West Africa. Its official language is French, and the native language is Wolof. As of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021, Senegal had a population of approximately 16.7 million people based on the 2020 census. In terms of digital health, Senegal has made efforts to improve healthcare services through technology. Telemedicine initiatives have been implemented to enhance access to healthcare in remote areas. Mobile health applications and platforms have also been utilized for health information dissemination and appointment scheduling. However, specific details regarding the current state of digital health in Senegal beyond September 2021 are not available.

Ministry of Health website: Ministry of Health of Senegal

Government website: Government of Senegal

For additional information on Senegal's healthcare system and related statistics, you may visit the following websites: