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Name Identifier Description
Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba bes

🇧🇪 Belgium, Kingdom of - Population: 11,589,623 (2019) - Belgium has made significant progress in digital health adoption. The country has implemented electronic health records (EHRs) and has an extensive health information exchange system. Telemedicine services have also been expanded, allowing remote consultations and monitoring. Belgium has been actively investing in health technology innovation and research, promoting initiatives such as digital health startups and the use of artificial intelligence in healthcare. The country has a strong focus on data privacy and security, ensuring the protection of patient information....

Bosnia and Herzegovina bih

🇧🇦 Bosnia and Herzegovina - Bosnia and Herzegovina, abbreviated as BiH, is a country located in Southeastern Europe. With a population of approximately 3.3 million people as of [census date], Bosnia and Herzegovina faces various challenges in its digital health landscape. Efforts have been made to improve healthcare services through the adoption of digital technologies, including electronic health records and telemedicine. However, there are still gaps in infrastructure, interoperability, and access to quality healthcare services, particularly in rural areas. Further developments are crucial to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of healthcare delivery in the country....

Bouvet Island bvt

🇧🇻 Bouvet Island, also known as Bouvetøya, - N/A, is an uninhabited subantarctic volcanic island located in the South Atlantic Ocean. As of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021, there is no available information on the digital health situation in Bouvet Island due to its uninhabited status....

Brazil bra

🇧🇷 Brazil - Brasil - Population: 213.99 million (2020 Census)
The digital health situation in Brazil is evolving rapidly, with increasing adoption of digital technologies in healthcare. The country has been focusing on expanding telemedicine services, especially in remote areas, to improve access to healthcare. Brazil has also made efforts to develop digital health infrastructure, such as electronic health records, online appointment systems, and health information exchanges. Mobile health applications are gaining popularity among the population for accessing health information and monitoring personal health. However, challenges remain in terms of ensuring interoperability, data privacy, and security in the digital health ecosystem....

British Indian Ocean Territory iot

🇮🇴 Kiribati (Republic of Kiribati) - The population of Kiribati was last recorded at [XXX,XXX](census date) people. The country faces several challenges in the digital health sector due to its remote and scattered island geography, which poses difficulties in accessing healthcare services for its population. However, efforts have been made to utilize telemedicine and mobile health technologies to overcome these barriers and improve healthcare delivery. The government has also been working on strengthening health information systems and implementing e-health initiatives to enhance healthcare management and service quality in the country....

Brunei Darussalam brn

🇧🇳 Brunei, Negara Brunei Darussalam - The population of Brunei as of my last knowledge update in September 2021 was approximately 459,500 people (census date not available). The digital health situation in Brunei has been steadily improving. The country has been investing in digital health infrastructure, including electronic medical records and telemedicine services. Efforts have been made to promote health information exchange and interoperability among healthcare providers. Brunei has also focused on enhancing health data security and privacy measures to ensure the protection of sensitive patient information....

Bulgaria bgr

🇧🇬 Bulgaria - Република България - Republic of Bulgaria - Population: 6,951,482 (2021 Census)

The digital health situation in Bulgaria has been steadily advancing in recent years. The country has implemented various e-health initiatives to improve healthcare services and enhance accessibility to medical information. Electronic health records (EHRs) have been introduced to facilitate data sharing among healthcare providers, improving coordination and patient care. Telemedicine services have also gained traction, allowing remote consultations and monitoring, particularly in rural areas with limited healthcare access. Additionally, Bulgaria has made progress in developing health-related mobile applications and online platforms for appointment scheduling and accessing medical information. These digital advancements aim to enhance healthcare delivery, promote efficiency, and empower patients in managing their health....

Burkina Faso bfa

🇧🇫 Burkina Faso - Burkina Faso (formerly Upper Volta) is a landlocked country in West Africa. It has a population of approximately 21 million people as of 2021. The country faces various challenges in the digital health sector, including limited access to healthcare services, especially in rural areas, and a lack of adequate health information systems. Efforts have been made to improve digital health technologies, such as implementing electronic medical records and telemedicine services, but further advancements are needed to enhance healthcare delivery and access across the country....

Burundi bdi

🇧🇮 Burundi - Bdi - Population: [population] (Census [census date])

The digital health situation in Burundi has been developing gradually. Efforts have been made to improve healthcare services through the use of digital technologies. However, as of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021, the implementation of digital health solutions in the country is still in its early stages. Some initiatives have focused on establishing electronic medical records and telemedicine services to enhance access to healthcare, particularly in remote areas. The government has also shown interest in leveraging mobile health (mHealth) applications to improve maternal and child health outcomes. Further developments in digital health infrastructure and policies are expected to drive advancements in healthcare delivery in Burundi....

Cambodia khm

🇰🇭 Cambodia, officially known as the Kingdom of Cambodia, has a population of approximately 16 million people as of the last available census data. Cambodia has been making progress in the digital health sector, with various initiatives aimed at improving healthcare services through technology. Efforts have been made to enhance digital health infrastructure, develop electronic medical records systems, and implement telemedicine services to reach remote areas. The government has also launched mobile health applications to provide information and services to citizens. However, it is important to note that specific details and recent developments may be obtained from official sources....

Cameroon cmr

🇨🇲 CMR - Cameroon has a population of approximately 26.5 million people as of the last census. The digital health situation in Cameroon has been gradually improving, with efforts focused on expanding access to healthcare services through technology. Mobile health (mHealth) initiatives have gained traction to reach remote areas, providing services such as telemedicine, health information dissemination, and appointment reminders. The government has also implemented electronic health records systems and e-learning platforms for healthcare professionals. However, challenges remain, including limited internet connectivity in rural regions and the need for further investment in digital infrastructure and health systems integration....

Canada can

🇨🇦 Canada - Canada, - Current population data is not available. The digital health situation in Canada is relatively advanced, with the country implementing various digital solutions to enhance healthcare delivery and accessibility. Canada has been focusing on initiatives like electronic health records (EHRs), telemedicine, and health information exchange systems to improve patient care and coordination among healthcare providers. The country also emphasizes data privacy and security measures to protect patient information in digital health systems....

Cape Verde cpv

🇨🇵 Cabo Verde (Cabo Verde) - The digital health situation in Cabo Verde is not available in my knowledge beyond September 2021.

Ministry of Health website: Ministry of Health - Cabo Verde

Government website: Official Government Portal - Cabo Verde...

Cayman Islands cym

🏴󠁣󠁹󠁭󠁿 Wales (Cymru) - Wales, also known as Cymru in Welsh, is a country located in the United Kingdom. The digital health situation in Wales has been steadily evolving, with the government implementing various initiatives to improve healthcare through technology. This includes the development and utilization of digital health records, telemedicine services, and digital tools for patient engagement. The Welsh government has been actively investing in digital infrastructure to enhance healthcare delivery and promote innovation in the sector. As of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021, the population of Wales was approximately 3.15 million, but please note that this information may have changed. ...

Central Africa central-africa

Central Africa includes countries located in the central part of the continent, such as Cameroon, Chad, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and Gabon

Central African Republic caf

🇨🇫 Central African Republic (République centrafricaine) - The Central African Republic is a landlocked country located in Central Africa. As of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021, the country had a population of approximately 4.9 million people, according to the World Bank's estimates from 2019. Unfortunately, I don't have the most recent information on the population or the census date. The digital health situation in the Central African Republic is still developing, with efforts being made to improve healthcare infrastructure and access to technology. The country faces challenges such as limited internet connectivity, inadequate funding, and a shortage of trained healthcare professionals. However, various organizations and initiatives are working towards utilizing digital solutions to enhance healthcare delivery, telemedicine, and health information systems in the country. ...

Chad tcd

🇹🇩 Chad - République du Tchad - Chad - Population: [Insert population] (Census date: [Insert census date]). The digital health situation in Chad is [Overview of digital health situation in Chad].

Ministry of Health website: [Insert URL to Ministry of Health website]...

Chile chl

🇨🇱 Chile - República de Chile - Country Population: 18,952,038 (2017 Census)

Chile is a country located in South America. It has made significant advancements in digital health initiatives over the years. The government has implemented various programs and technologies to improve healthcare services and access to medical information. Electronic health records (EHRs) have been widely adopted, facilitating the exchange of patient data among healthcare providers. Telemedicine services have also gained popularity, especially in remote areas, enabling patients to receive medical consultations remotely. Additionally, mobile health apps and online platforms have been developed to provide health-related information and services to the public. These digital health initiatives aim to enhance healthcare delivery, improve patient outcomes, and increase efficiency in the healthcare system....

China chn

🇨🇳 CHN - China is the most populous country in the world, with a population of over 1.4 billion people as of September 2021. It is officially known as the People's Republic of China in English. China has made significant advancements in digital health, with the integration of technology in healthcare services. The country has implemented electronic health records, telemedicine, and mobile health applications to improve access to healthcare and enhance efficiency. China has also been at the forefront of utilizing artificial intelligence and big data analytics for disease surveillance and healthcare management. The government has been actively promoting the development of digital health technologies to address healthcare challenges and improve the overall healthcare system in the country....

Christmas Island cxr

🇨🇽 Christmas Island (English), officially known as Territory of Christmas Island, is a remote Australian territory located in the Indian Ocean. As of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021, the population of Christmas Island was approximately 1,843 people based on the 2016 census. Regarding the digital health situation, information is limited. For up-to-date details, it is best to refer to official sources or conduct further research....

Cocos (Keeling) Islands cck

🇨🇨 Cocos (Keeling) Islands - The Cocos (Keeling) Islands, also known as Cocos Islands, is a territory of Australia in the Indian Ocean. As of my knowledge cutoff date in September 2021, the population and census data for this territory were not available. In terms of the digital health situation, I don't have specific information regarding Cocos (Keeling) Islands' digital health initiatives. For the most up-to-date information, please refer to the official sources provided below....

Colombia col

🇨🇴 Colombia (República de Colombia) - Colombia - Population: 50,372,424 (as of 2020) - Colombia is a country located in South America. It has been making strides in improving its digital health infrastructure. The government has been implementing various initiatives to promote the use of technology in healthcare, such as the development of electronic health records and telemedicine services. Colombia has also been focusing on expanding access to healthcare in remote areas through the use of digital technologies. Efforts have been made to increase connectivity and enhance the integration of digital health solutions into the healthcare system. However, challenges remain, including ensuring equitable access to digital health services across the country....

Comoros com

🇨🇴 Colombia - Colombia, officially known as the Republic of Colombia, is a country located in South America. As of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021, Colombia had a population of approximately 50 million people. The country has been making efforts to improve its digital health situation, with initiatives focusing on expanding access to healthcare services through technology, promoting telemedicine, and implementing electronic health records. These efforts aim to enhance healthcare delivery, improve patient outcomes, and increase efficiency in the healthcare system....

Congo cog

🇨🇬 Congo, Democratic Republic of the (Congo-Kinshasa) - The digital health situation in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (Congo-Kinshasa) is still developing. The country faces challenges like limited access to healthcare services, inadequate infrastructure, and low internet penetration. Efforts are being made to improve digital health initiatives, including the use of mobile technology for data collection and surveillance, telemedicine programs, and electronic health records. However, implementation is hindered by various factors such as limited funding, political instability, and lack of awareness among the population. As of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021, the Ministry of Health's website and the main government website URLs were not available....

Congo, The Democratic Republic of cod

🇨🇩 The Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) - The DRC, with a population of over 100 million people as of 2021, faces numerous challenges in its digital health landscape. Limited infrastructure, including inadequate internet connectivity and a lack of healthcare facilities, hinder the widespread adoption of digital health solutions. However, efforts are being made to leverage technology to improve healthcare delivery, especially in remote areas. Mobile health initiatives, such as SMS-based services for health information and appointment reminders, have shown promise in reaching underserved populations. Electronic health records and telemedicine are also being explored to enhance healthcare access and quality. The Ministry of Health of the DRC plays a crucial role in overseeing and coordinating digital health initiatives in the country....

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